For proper and smooth operation of the website, HOKUSAN & CO., LTD. has established the following policy with regard to the privacy of personal information:
Information in this website may be reviewed, used, and partially downloaded for personal or non-commercial purposes. However, reproduction, alteration, distribution, transmission, publication or posting of all or part of information is strictly prohibited.
Use of the logos and trademarks in the website is not permitted.
Unlawful use of the contents is a violation of applicable copyrights law, trademark law, civil law or criminal law.
HOKUSAN & CO., LTD. will use personal information to the extent necessary to achieve the following purpose. Before using personal information for purposes other than the following purposes, you must obtain consent in advance.
HOKUSAN & CO., LTD. will make best efforts to maintain the accuracy of the acquired personal information and will also take necessary and proper measures to prevent illegal access to, leak, loss, falsification or defamation of personal information.
HOKUSAN & CO., LTD. will not provide personal information to third parties under any circumstances other than the following:
In case personal information is to be provided for shared use, all relevant items required by law will be notified to the individual or made publicly known.
In the case disclosure, correction, addition, deletion or suspension of personal information is requested by the individual, HOKUSAN & CO., LTD. will take necessary measures as required by law. The company will also take proper and prompt actions to deal with claims about the handling of personal information.
In the case disclosure, correction, addition, deletion or suspension of personal information is requested by the individual, HOKUSAN & CO., LTD. will take necessary measures as required by law. The company will also take proper and prompt actions to deal with claims about the handling of personal information.
This privacy policy shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Japan without reference to principles of conflict of laws.